Giornate internazionali – Bruxelles 3/5 maggio 2023

International Days (Brussels, 3-5 May 2023)

EhB calls for Inclusive Higher Education

Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences & Arts is very pleased to invite you to our next edition of EhB International Days which will take place from Wednesday 3 May until Friday 5 May 2023.

During the International Days lecturers, researchers and staff will have the exclusive opportunity to:

  • Experience and share best practices in dealing with topics related to Inclusive Education;
  • Share your research results by poster presentations or brainstorm on new research ideas
  • Share your Erasmus + study programs with our students and staff;
  • Get acquainted with the EhB Departments/Schools of Art as one of the outstanding institutions of higher education in Brussels;
  • Visit the European Parliament, attend a reception in the Brussels City Hall and enjoy the Brussels artistic and cultural scene;
  • Meet our international and social partners which will enable you to reinforce your network.

Check out the full programme and register for our International Days. Deadline for registration is 14 April 2023.